Personal Reflection #9

The assignments this week have helped me see a little more why ads are important. I am not going to lie, I have not really enjoyed everything that we have done. I am not confident in my business so I do not want to be just blowing money on something that I am never going to use. I have been frustrated but my dad wants to fix up his website so the things I am learning will help him which has made this class more bearable. The next couple of weeks should be better for the assignments in this class.

Personal Reflection #8

This has been another frustrating week with Web Creation. The more I have thought about this class the more I am disappointed in it. I really thought when I was getting into this that I was going to learn about building a business online. I was not prepared to make my own business. I also think that most of the time the directions are super confusing and unfriendly. This is a class where you either get it or you don’t. I think it is sad.

I am hoping with the coming weeks that I will be able to get some help and really figure out how to do any of this so that I will actually like.

Personal Reflection #7

I think that this week was a very light week, I did not have to worry about a lot and it was so nice. I really liked just focusing on one thing for the week. I that I actually paid more attention to what I was doing because I had the time I feel like. I think that I have a lot to work on for this project though. I do not feel like I am really understanding a lot of what I am suppose to do.

Personal Reflection #6

This week has been a lot easier to figure out than last week. Last week was way too stressful.

This week I was able to figure out even more what I am to be doing and how to portray that. I think that learning about keywords was very helpful because I was able to think outside the box and get creative with words that I could use. I was able to think like customer and not like me.

I really hope that things start coming together soon and we start to get people to look at our businesses.

Personal Reflection #5

This week has been a very stressful week. I am have had a really hard time getting my website started. I have it up now but I am still not happy with it. It has become too overwhelming for me so I am going to look at it next week and take the grade that my teacher decides to give to me.

I thought this project was going to be a lot easier but it was not. It caused me too much stress lately and has made the class not enjoyable. This of course is my own fault though.

I did come up with a new idea for my business though. I am going to do branding. I am going to help people make brands for their websites and businesses. I am pretty excited.

Personal Reflection #4

While I have been thinking about my business this week I have come to a few bumps in the road. I am trying to figure out how I want to do this type of work. There are really two options, buy clothes in bulk or buy separate pieces for each person. This is a hard decision to make because I do not want to buy a bunch of clothes because I want to give people exactly what they want. If I do it the other way then I am thinking why would someone want me to do it? The only reason I can come up with is because they are too busy. I am trying to think about which way will actually make any sort of money and not just make me lose money. It will be interesting to see what I decide to do.

Personal Reflection 3

This week has probably been my favorite week so far. I finally finished my product project and I was able to come to the conclusion that I am going to be a personal shopper. I have thought that not everyone has the same style so I am going to get my sister, cousin and maybe my mom to also be apart of my business so that more people will want to work with us. This will increase the amount of hours put into it and I will be able to hopefully make more money and actually have a business. This is something that would be easier for me and I would like doing it.

I have many ideas for my website and I think I know what I am going to do. I am excited to get farther into the semester to get this started and hopefully get some customers in.

Personal Reflection #2


This week we learned about suppliers. I learned a lot more about how to get products that you want to sell. I always wondered how people got so much of the thing that they wanted. I learned a lot about finding suppliers that will help you get what you want. I think it is important to find the supplier that will give you the best deal and the thing that you want.

This has been very helpful for me to think of a product.

Project 9: Portfolio

  • Portfolio (
  • Project Corrections / Time spent: I spent about two hours fixing my logo, fixing my event ad, and my montage projects
  • Message: A clean portfolio that I can show professionals so that they can see what I can do.
  • Audience: Professionals looking to hire someone who can use adobe programs and have a good sense of how to design well.
  • Top Thing Learned: I think the most important thing that I learned was how to make the master pages so that I can repetition through out my design.
  • Future application of Visual Media: I plan to use my skills to help professionals have tasteful designs in their business and companies.
  • Color scheme and color names: Complementary, Gold and Indigo.
  • Title Font Name & Category: Daydreamer, decorative
  • Copy Font Name & Category: Chapaza, traditional san serif
  • Thumbnails of Images used:16877543-Whiteboards-cork-texture-background-beautiful-yellow-color--Stock-Photo
  • Sources (Links to images on original websites / with title of site): /

P8 Brochure


  1. Description: A two sided folding brochure.
  2. Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): The process of making this brochure was made in 3 programs; Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe InDesign. In Photoshop I brought 5 images together to make the photo that you see on the front cover. I also used photoshop to cut out the soccer player you see in the second image. In Illustrator I made my logo with two different fonts and but creating a soccer ball with the circle, pentagon, and star tools. In InDesign I brought the whole project together.
  3. Message: Tell my audience about this amazing opportunity to play for this fantastic soccer club.
  4. Audience: Soccer players of all ages and gender.
  5. Top Thing Learned: How to print a brochure, and how to remove the background smoothly.
  6. Color scheme and color names: Monochromatic Green
  7. Title Font Name & Category: Cracked Narrow & Decorative
  8. Copy Font Name & Category: Chunk Five Ex & Slab Serif
  9. Word Count of copy: 312 words
  10. Thumbnails of Images used: 
  11. Sources (Links to images on original websites):