Project 5 Logos


  1. Description: Create a logo for a corporation or business
  2. Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): This project was done in Adobe Illustrator. The process of building these logos was through typography, colors, and boxes. I used different sizes and colors to bring the focus to the center or main title of the logo. I tried to use different things to bring out the center so that it was the first thing that you see.
  3. Message: This is a sweets shop that provides candy, and baked sweet goods that is lead in a professional manager and is organized.
  4. Audience: People between the ages of 16 to 40 who love sweets and baked goods.
  5. Top Thing Learned: I learned to really push myself out of my comfort zone and how to use Illustrator to do what I want with a logo.
  6. Color Scheme and Color Names: Monochromatic and pink
  7. Title / Body Font Names & Categories: KGA Little Swag, Decorative and Betty, San serif

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