Project 7: Web Design

Screen Shot 2016-03-12 at 3.50.23 PM.png


  • Description: A website to show how my design logo was made and my ability to design webpages.
  • Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): The program I used to write my code was TextWrangler. I used html to write the contents of the page and had an exterior style sheet of css. I used a photo from the internet for the background of the page. I also used two different fonts to create a professional page and was still inviting. I pulled the colors directly from my logo using photoshop and created a link back to this blog.
  • Message: I wanted people to see ho the logo was made and what type of business The Sweet Shop was.
  • Audience: Business owners looking for a logo and a website to be made for them.
  • Top Thing Learned: I loved learning about more of the little things that I can make on the internet. I think learning how to put a picture on the back of a website is an important skill to know.
  • Color scheme and color hex(s): Monochromatic pink; EE2A7B, and pink.
  • Title Font Families & Category: Open Sans, Sans Serif
  • Copy Font Families & Category: Roboto Slab, Serif
  • Changes made to the CSS: I made a lot of changes to my css. I changed the background, the colors, fonts, some padding, I changed the bottom to a div and changed the color, and I also changed the hyperlink so that it changes when it is hovered over. I also did some floats to two sections.
  • Word Count: 226


3 thoughts on “Project 7: Web Design

  1. I LOVE your webpage! It is seriously beautiful! I love the logo and how creative and clear it is! The message throughout your webpage is clear and done very well. I also love the colors and the monochromatic theme you chose. It looks amazing! I like how you chose a real picture for the background instead of a solid color! Well done!

    Check out a peer’s blog!


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