Personal Reflection #9

The assignments this week have helped me see a little more why ads are important. I am not going to lie, I have not really enjoyed everything that we have done. I am not confident in my business so I do not want to be just blowing money on something that I am never going to use. I have been frustrated but my dad wants to fix up his website so the things I am learning will help him which has made this class more bearable. The next couple of weeks should be better for the assignments in this class.

Personal Reflection #8

This has been another frustrating week with Web Creation. The more I have thought about this class the more I am disappointed in it. I really thought when I was getting into this that I was going to learn about building a business online. I was not prepared to make my own business. I also think that most of the time the directions are super confusing and unfriendly. This is a class where you either get it or you don’t. I think it is sad.

I am hoping with the coming weeks that I will be able to get some help and really figure out how to do any of this so that I will actually like.

Personal Reflection #7

I think that this week was a very light week, I did not have to worry about a lot and it was so nice. I really liked just focusing on one thing for the week. I that I actually paid more attention to what I was doing because I had the time I feel like. I think that I have a lot to work on for this project though. I do not feel like I am really understanding a lot of what I am suppose to do.

Personal Reflection #6

This week has been a lot easier to figure out than last week. Last week was way too stressful.

This week I was able to figure out even more what I am to be doing and how to portray that. I think that learning about keywords was very helpful because I was able to think outside the box and get creative with words that I could use. I was able to think like customer and not like me.

I really hope that things start coming together soon and we start to get people to look at our businesses.