Project 9: Portfolio

  • Portfolio (
  • Project Corrections / Time spent: I spent about two hours fixing my logo, fixing my event ad, and my montage projects
  • Message: A clean portfolio that I can show professionals so that they can see what I can do.
  • Audience: Professionals looking to hire someone who can use adobe programs and have a good sense of how to design well.
  • Top Thing Learned: I think the most important thing that I learned was how to make the master pages so that I can repetition through out my design.
  • Future application of Visual Media: I plan to use my skills to help professionals have tasteful designs in their business and companies.
  • Color scheme and color names: Complementary, Gold and Indigo.
  • Title Font Name & Category: Daydreamer, decorative
  • Copy Font Name & Category: Chapaza, traditional san serif
  • Thumbnails of Images used:16877543-Whiteboards-cork-texture-background-beautiful-yellow-color--Stock-Photo
  • Sources (Links to images on original websites / with title of site): /

P8 Brochure


  1. Description: A two sided folding brochure.
  2. Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): The process of making this brochure was made in 3 programs; Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe InDesign. In Photoshop I brought 5 images together to make the photo that you see on the front cover. I also used photoshop to cut out the soccer player you see in the second image. In Illustrator I made my logo with two different fonts and but creating a soccer ball with the circle, pentagon, and star tools. In InDesign I brought the whole project together.
  3. Message: Tell my audience about this amazing opportunity to play for this fantastic soccer club.
  4. Audience: Soccer players of all ages and gender.
  5. Top Thing Learned: How to print a brochure, and how to remove the background smoothly.
  6. Color scheme and color names: Monochromatic Green
  7. Title Font Name & Category: Cracked Narrow & Decorative
  8. Copy Font Name & Category: Chunk Five Ex & Slab Serif
  9. Word Count of copy: 312 words
  10. Thumbnails of Images used: 
  11. Sources (Links to images on original websites):

Project 7: Web Design

Screen Shot 2016-03-12 at 3.50.23 PM.png


  • Description: A website to show how my design logo was made and my ability to design webpages.
  • Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): The program I used to write my code was TextWrangler. I used html to write the contents of the page and had an exterior style sheet of css. I used a photo from the internet for the background of the page. I also used two different fonts to create a professional page and was still inviting. I pulled the colors directly from my logo using photoshop and created a link back to this blog.
  • Message: I wanted people to see ho the logo was made and what type of business The Sweet Shop was.
  • Audience: Business owners looking for a logo and a website to be made for them.
  • Top Thing Learned: I loved learning about more of the little things that I can make on the internet. I think learning how to put a picture on the back of a website is an important skill to know.
  • Color scheme and color hex(s): Monochromatic pink; EE2A7B, and pink.
  • Title Font Families & Category: Open Sans, Sans Serif
  • Copy Font Families & Category: Roboto Slab, Serif
  • Changes made to the CSS: I made a lot of changes to my css. I changed the background, the colors, fonts, some padding, I changed the bottom to a div and changed the color, and I also changed the hyperlink so that it changes when it is hovered over. I also did some floats to two sections.
  • Word Count: 226


Project 6 Stationery

  1. Description: A personally created logo on a business card and letterhead.
  2. Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): I started this project by making a logo with Adobe Illustrator. In Illustrator I used fonts and triangles to make my logo. Then I used Adobe InDesign to layout a business card and letterhead that is simple and professional.
  3. Message: Arrow engines is a professional engine rebuilding business.
  4. Audience: Older men around ages 40 to 60 who are looking to have their engines rebuilt by a professional.
  5. Top Thing Learned: How to use different tools in InDesign and Illustrator to make a professional logo.
  6. Color scheme and color names: Monochromatic Orange
  7. Title Font Name & Category: Keep Calm, San Serif
  8. Copy Font Name & Category: Impactor, Serif

Project 5 Logos


  1. Description: Create a logo for a corporation or business
  2. Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): This project was done in Adobe Illustrator. The process of building these logos was through typography, colors, and boxes. I used different sizes and colors to bring the focus to the center or main title of the logo. I tried to use different things to bring out the center so that it was the first thing that you see.
  3. Message: This is a sweets shop that provides candy, and baked sweet goods that is lead in a professional manager and is organized.
  4. Audience: People between the ages of 16 to 40 who love sweets and baked goods.
  5. Top Thing Learned: I learned to really push myself out of my comfort zone and how to use Illustrator to do what I want with a logo.
  6. Color Scheme and Color Names: Monochromatic and pink
  7. Title / Body Font Names & Categories: KGA Little Swag, Decorative and Betty, San serif

Project 4: Motage


  1. Description: An inspirational and spiritual montage that brings together two or more well blended images.
  2. Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, Steps taken while designing): The steps I took to make my montage:
    1. I found a spiritual quote that I liked
    2. I found photos that I thought would go well with my quote.
    3. I placed a hill with trees in photoshop
    4. I placed a sky image and used the brush tool to make them blend together.
    5. I placed a photo of a woman with her back to the camera and blended them together until it looked like one whole image.
    6. I also used editing tools like levels and vibrance on each image.
    7. I looked for fonts that I would like to use for my project and downloaded them from
  3. Message: Even though it seems hard, you are doing the right thing.
  4. Audience: Young women between ages 16 to 23.
  5. Top Thing Learned: How to balance each image so that they look like they apart of one whole image.
  6. Filter / Colorization used and where it was applied: Sharpener
  7. Color scheme and color names: Monochromatic, Blue
  8. Title Font Name & Category: Luna, decorative
  9. Copy Font Name & Category: Sanseriffic, San Serif
  10. Thumbnails of Images used: Treessky1snow
  11. Sources (Links to images on original websites / with title of site): &

Project 3 Photodesign


  • Description: This project demonstrates high quality photography and image editing skills and the ability to pick and match a color scheme in a full bleed poster.
  • Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles): In this project, I used a digital camera to take the picture. I used indoor lighting and the light from outside to capture a good photo. I used the rule of thirds to create a photo that had good composition. I developed the new skill of photoshop to develop the colors that I wanted to be stronger. I used a triadic color scheme to draw attention from my audience. I sketched my ideas before I started my project to know how I wanted to get my message across. I left plenty of negative space so that I would create simplicity in my poster.
  • Message: positivity can change our lives if we let it.
  • Audience: Young adults males around ages 18 to 24
  • Top Thing Learned: How to use the basics of photoshop, how to look at the beauty of the world around me from a photography point of view. I also learned more about color schemes and different ways to fix colors to the way I would like them to be.
  • Color scheme and color names: Triadic; Brick, Lime, and Indigo
  • Title Font Name & Category: Geoslab, Slab Serif
  • Copy Font Name & Category:
  • Thumbnail of original, unedited image inserted
  • Date and location you took the photo(s): February 2 in the McKay Library


Project 2 Event Ad


A full-color bleed event advertisement made from a scanned image and Microsoft Word.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles):
I first formulated a plan for my event ad by sketches and focusing on the message that I was trying to get across and the audience I was trying to reach out to. I then looked for an image that I felt I could use to perceive fashion and style. I scanned that image onto the computer. I proceeded to only use Microsoft word to make an event ad for Red Cross and Rue 21. I used the visual focus color wheel to pull my colors from to make a pattern that would be appealing. I used two different fonts to really catch my audience’s eye.

There is going to be a clothing auction to raise money for the Family Crisis Center.I wanted my audience to see fashion and get a calm cool feeling. I am hoping that the audience feels like it will not be a stressful event but will be a way for them to participate in charity.

Rexburg residence, most young adults who will fit in Rue 21 clothing.

Color scheme and color names:
Split complementary
Brick, Gold, and Blue

Top Thing Learned:
Which color scheme to use for the message and audience that you are working with.

Title Font Name & Category:
Sans Serif

Copy Font Name & Category:
Slab Serif

Scanned images used, sources, original sizes, location of scanner used:
Male man in suit, TIME magazine, 7.43 in width and 10.39 in Height, McKay Library.

Project 1 Flier

Black & white flier to promote the graduate leadership conference put on by vouant communications

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles):
I created this flier in InDesign. I used tools like rectangles, color, and text tools. I started this project by sketching out ideas for my flier that I could use. I then followed the template of my sketch to get the main idea for my flier. I had many people look at my flier to see what made sense and what I needed to simplify and unite.

I am trying to help graduated and graduating students learn about a great conference that will build their leadership skills.

My audience is graduated and graduating students, approximately 21-24 in age, who want to become better leaders.

Top Thing Learned:
I learned about how to use InDesign, and how to get my main ideas across. For example, I learned how to make my title stand out more than the rest of the flier by using different contrasts and layouts.

Title Font Name & Category:
Constintia- Slab Serif

Copy Font Name & Category:
Calibria- Sans Serif

Links to images used in this project: